I Trust Jesus
I trust Jesus with my heart,
I trust Jesus with my life.
I trust Jesus with my children,
I trust Jesus with my strife!
I trust Jesus with my future
I trust Jesus with my calling.
I trust Jesus with my worries,
I trust Jesus when I’m falling.
I trust Jesus when I’m strong,
I trust Jesus when I’m weak.
I trust Jesus at all times
Because He’s always at His peak.
I trust Jesus is the morning,
And at noon-time and at night
I trust Jesus when I’m calm
And even when I’m filled with fright.
I trust Jesus with this Church,
And all the people who worship here;
I trust Jesus with their souls,
And for their lives I will not fear.
And when I feel I can’t trust Him
Like I used to, back before…
I will say it with my mouth,
“I’ll trust Jesus all the more!”
Pastor Tim.
February 2022