When we're not connected relationally,
We limit our growth spiritually

Since spiritual growth is our aim, relational growth is our priority. Church Life at Niagara Worship Centre is all about what happens between Sunday’s. Each gathering takes place in an environment that is highly relational.


Because Jesus never intended for us to grow in our faith alone.

Grow in your
Relationship with God and
One Another


 The very first church gatherings took place in peoples homes.  They met to grow in their relationship with God and with one another.  This is a tradition that we believe is essential in our faith journey.  

LifeGroups are designed to get us out of our comfortable Sunday rows in our church building and into circles in one another's homes.  This is where we can go deep in our faith by sharing our stories and our lives with others in our church community.

We understand that everyone’s schedule is unique.  That’s why we have several different groups that meet at different times and in different locations throughout the Niagara Region.  

Click below for the updated list of LifeGroups. 

 spring life groups



 Your FREEDOM and healing is waiting for you. It has already been paid for by Jesus Christ. All you need to do now is to learn walk in that freedom by applying biblical principles to your life. This is what FREEDOM is here for!

FREEDOM'S purpose is to help restore hurting people with the help of the Holy Spirit, to teach people how they can manifest their healing and to train others to become mentors.

 Healing and freedom will come through one on one discipleship and intimacy with Jesus.   We will encourage you to build a strong personal relationship with Jesus.

 Are you ready to get FREE & stay FREE?

We meet every Tuesday at 7pm

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. - John 8:36 

Sustain strong,
lasting and trusting


Providing men with encouragement and resources to live spiritually vibrant lives while learning how to lead their families to do the same.  Our gatherings are often centred around events—such as food, golfing, go-karting and even work days—yet, in the midst of all the events, we endeavour to sustain strong, lasting and trusting relationships with one another.

Check out our Events Page to search for our next men’s event.

Upcoming events

We make time for
one another


Women are a significant and influential force in the life of the Church. Our women’s gatherings focus on building relationships with each other—whether it’s going out for an evening of coffee and dessert or going to a local women’s conference—we make time for one another.

Check out our Events Page to search for our next women’s event.

Upcoming events